Table of Contents
- Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles
- Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions
- Sentences, Clauses and Phrases 24
- Correlative Conjunctions
- Present Perfect Form
- Present Perfect Continuous Form
- Past Perfect Form
- Past Perfect Continuous Form
- Auxiliaries and Modals
- Adjectives versus Adverbs
- Semicolon
Test Paper 1
- AdjectiveNoun Collocations
- Question Tags
- Prefixes mis, dis, un, in, im, non
- Alliteration
- Using Which and That in Restrictive and NonRestrictive Clauses
- Similes and Metaphors
- Dictionary Entries
- Idioms
- Using since, for and from
- Phrasal Verbs
Test Paper 2
- Autobiography
- Essay
- Book Review Be a Critic
- Article
- Newspaper Report
- Message
- Writing a Postcard
- Letter to the Editor
- Narrative
- Writing a Story with an Alternate Ending
Test Paper 3
- The Old Man and the Sea
- Hercule Poirot: The Detective with a Big Moustache
- The Raven
- Madhubani Painting: The Art that Subverts
Orange Global Olympiad English Sample Paper