Ultimate Git and GitHub for Modern Software Development
Pravin Mishra

SKU: 9788197223839

Rs. 1,299

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ISBN: 9788197223839
eISBN: 9788197223877
Rights: Worldwide
Author Name: Pravin Mishra
Publishing Date: 03-June-2024
Dimension: 7.5*9.25 Inches
Binding: Paperback
Page Count: 216

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Unlock the Power of Git and GitHub for Seamless Collaboration

Key Features
● Efficiently manage code with Git's powerful version control.
● Collaborate on projects and contribute to open-source via GitHub.
● Simplify development processes using streamlined workflows.
● Track issues, manage tasks, and review code with GitHub tools.
● Automate builds, tests, and deployments with GitHub Actions.

Book Description
Ultimate Git and GitHub for Modern Software Development is a comprehensive guide that empowers developers to harness the full potential of Git and GitHub for efficient version control and seamless collaboration. This book takes you on a journey through the fundamentals of Git, exploring its commands, branching strategies, and conflict resolution techniques. It then delves into the world of GitHub, teaching you how to create repositories, collaborate with teams, and contribute to open-source projects.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this handbook equips you with the skills and knowledge to streamline your development workflow, ensure code integrity, and foster a collaborative coding environment. With clear explanations, real-world examples, and best practices, you will learn to leverage the power of these tools to enhance your coding experience and elevate your projects to new heights.

What you will learn
● Gain a comprehensive understanding of Git fundamentals and its version control, covering repositories, commits, branches, and merges.
● Develop expertise in essential Git commands for staging changes, committing code, managing branches, and resolving conflicts.
● Learn to effectively utilize GitHub for creating and managing repositories, collaborating with team members, and optimizing project workflows.
● Contribute to open-source projects by forking repositories, submitting pull requests, and building a strong developer community.
● Best practices for writing clear and concise commit messages, enhancing project clarity and history tracking.
● Strategies to maintain code quality, conduct thorough code reviews, and secure repositories, ensuring the integrity and safety of your codebase.

Who is this book for?
This book caters to software developers, DevOps engineers, project managers, open-source contributors, technical leaders, students, and educators. It offers comprehensive guidance on Git and GitHub for efficient code management, collaboration, and project workflow optimization. Readers should have basic command-line and software development knowledge.

1. Introduction
2. Setting Up Git
3. Understanding Git Repositories
4. Basic Git Commands
5. Branching and Merging
6. Introduction to GitHub
7. Working Seamlessly With Both Git and GitHub
8. Advanced Git Techniques
9. GitOps: The Future of Operations
10. Best Practices with Git and GitHub

Pravin Mishra is an accomplished author, AWS Trainer, Mentor, and Cloud Computing Expert with over 14 years of experience in the IT industry. As the author of Cloud Computing with AWS and Mastering AWS DevOps, his books have garnered significant traction among students and professionals seeking to enhance their cloud skills. Pravin is an AWS Community Builder, recognized for his deep understanding of the AWS ecosystem and its applications.

Pravin currently serves as an Enterprise Architect at The CloudAdvisory, where he specializes in assisting customers with cloud migration and application modernization. He has a proven track record of success, having previously worked for renowned companies like Nordcloud, Ericsson, and Verizon, focusing on cloud migration to AWS and upskilling IT professionals.

With a passion for sharing knowledge, Pravin maintains an active YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@awswithpravinmishra) and offers an Udemy course on different subjects (https://www.udemy.com/user/pravin-mishra-30/). His clear and practical writing style makes complex cloud computing concepts accessible to readers of all levels.

In the realm of Git and GitHub, Pravin has successfully implemented version control and collaborative coding practices in numerous projects, driving efficiency and productivity. His expertise in this area has been a valuable asset in his career as an IT professional and author. Beyond his professional achievements, Pravin is an avid organizer of meetup groups, fostering a vibrant community of developers and cloud enthusiasts. He actively participates in organizing events and facilitating knowledge sharing within these communities.

When he's not busy with work and writing, he enjoys quality time with his family, indulging in cooking, and engaging in outdoor activities such as badminton, running, and cycling.




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Mr. Kulbhushan Mayer, the Co-Founder of Thinknyx® Technologies, is a certified expert in DevOps, SRE, Cloud, and Containerisation, with over 17 years of IT experience. He has expertise in technologies such as Public/Private Cloud,Containers, Automation tools, Continuous Integration/Deployment/Delivery tools, Monitoring and Logging tools, and more. Mr. Mayer is passionate about sharing his technical expertise with a global audience through various forums, conferences, webinars, blogs, and LinkedIn. Furthermore, he has reviewed multiple books on Automation, DevOps, DevTools, and more for different vendors.